Seattle gay bars gogo boys

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Status: Temporarily closed, reopening date unknownĬrescent Lounge Like Add to a List Seattle's venerable Crescent Lounge is a seedy, wonderful dive with a colorful host of regulars and the best karaoke on Capitol Hill. A word to the wise: The later you show up to Pony, the more crowded it will be. Once I showed up on a Tuesday, and the entire cast of a touring production of The Book of Mormon was there, singing their hearts out. Karaoke? They have karaoke on Tuesday nights. What more do you want? Go-go dancers? They have go-go dancers on weekends. Pony Like Add to a List The only gay bar in Seattle with an outdoor fire pit also has fantastic bartenders, clever DJs, and vintage gay porn (i.e., huge dicks) wheat-pasted to the walls. For more ideas, check out our pride calendar. Looking for queer havens for celebrating this Pride Month? We've rounded up this list of LGBTQ bars, clubs, and shops in Seattle and have listed their current opening status, so you can plot out your party plans.

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